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Life Coaching/Counseling
Free Consultation
(Discount for teens/family)

Serve You Sincerely & confidencial

Fluent in English,Cantonese, Mandarin

​What Is a Life Coach?

When you are burdened by worries or feeling overwhelmed emotionally, finding reliable support can help you navigate the complexities of your situation and gain new insights, inspiration, and guidance. There are various ways to access valuable information, long-term support, and effective guidance to improve your emotional well-being.


Life coaches act as personal cheerleaders and provide support and encouragement as you explore your unique potential, strengths, and talents. They help you spread your wings and find your own path in life through guidance and direction.

A life coach help their clients design a personalized life plan based on their unique characteristics and strengths, set achievable goals, create a detailed action plan, and provide inspiration and support to help them achieve their full potential. Through the use of suitable tools, methods, and comprehensive support, help individuals achieve their best possible outcomes and reach their full potential.

A full commitment life coach helps individuals find balance in their relationships, friendships, and family life, while also maintaining physical and mental health. They assist clients in re-planning their lives and finding their purpose, addressing the emotional, marital, familial, and social needs they have.


Additionally, they provide guidance on positive values and belief systems, and help create a success mentality, while empowering individuals to have self-confidence with a positive outlook towards the future.


Helen's Podcast


Monthly Update

Free Helen Coach recording, manage physical and mental health with heart, let us learn self-coaching (self-enlightenment) together.



Mickael Costa
Elementary School Teacher
Vancouver, Canada

After working with Helen, I now have a clear vision for my future, a better understanding of my priorities, and a newfound purpose in life. Her supportive coaching approach helped me build confidence and make important decisions that were long overdue. I now have a greater work-life balance and feel more fulfilled in my personal and professional life. I am grateful for the guidance and support provided by Helen and highly recommend her as a life coach.

Helen's expertise, encouragement, and support were instrumental in helping me thrive and move forward in life. I no longer feel trapped and now have a clear direction to follow. Thanks to Helen's coaching, I have overcome feelings of being lost and isolated. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with her and consider her to be a truly exceptional life coach. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance and support in their journey.

20 Year Old Student

Helen is compassionate, kind, caring, helpful, and patient. I am so grateful for helping and developing my personal growth through her professional services.

60-year-old retiree woman

Helen listened patiently, supportive and guided me. She really helped me through my relationship difficulties and stress. I highly recommend her.


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